Concept, content, photography and design by Amelia Coyle.

Concepts for a cookbook (went with number two).

Content outline for the cookbook (had to plan over 200 pages).

Moodboard for cookbook.


Introduction spread.

Divider spread for section.

Recipe spread.

Divider spread for section.

Recipe spread.

Social media strategy: cover photos for recipes.

Social media strategy: quotes about nutrition.

Part I: Layout
The assignment was to create a cookbook with an original concept, something worthy of actually buying.
I went with my concept of a medicinal cookbook, a book of remedies for acute and chronic conditions.
We started with a content outline, produced three rounds of drafts, and ended with a cover, intro, two dividers and two recipe spreads.
I bought all the food and herbs for the cookbook and shot all of the photographs myself, with a Nikon D90 and an Alien Bees softbox.
Part II: Social Media
Our last assignment in the course allowed us to revisit the cookbook, and create social media content to promote it.
I created two different social media campaigns, designed for use on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.
The first set featured cover photos for recipes, and the second set featured quotes about nutrition.
A hashtag was created in the process: #fam for Food as Medicine.
Made in ART 366: Graphic Design II with Professor Angela Glenn at CSULB.